2014 |
XL-Semanal (Spain), 16.08.: "Los otros premios Nobel" Download Article >> |
El Periodico (Spain), 8.07.: "Los otros premios Nobel" Download Article >> |
2013 | Lensculture, March 2013 (France) www.lensulture.com >> |
2010 | Fluter.de, September 2010 (Germany) http://www.fluter.de/de/92/thema/8762/ >> |
2008 | KATALOG, Journal of Photography & Video, Nr. 20.2, July 2008 (Denmark), Katalog.pdf >> |
Fluter.de, April 2008 (Germany) www.fluter.de/de/68/thema/6676/?tpl=162 >> |
2007 | Cicero, June 2007 (Germany) Mouratidi_Cicero.pdf (1.3 MB) >> |
2006 | Egoista, December 2006 (Portugal) |
Book publication "¡Venceremos! The Other Globalisation" Edition Braus, Heidelberg, Germany www.editionbraus.de >> Hardcover, 128 pages, 50 images, ISBN 3-89904-246-8 Mouratidi_Venceremos.pdf (2,7 MB) >> |
Marie Claire, September 2006 (Italy) | |
ETC Magazine, ETC 30 AR (Sweden) | |
European Photography, #78 (Germany) | |
Ojo de Pez, #6 (Spain) | |
Colors Magazine, Nr. 66, Winter 2006 (Italy) | |
2005 | VimaDonna Magazine, October 2005 (Greece) |
Development, Volume 48 no 2, June 2005 (Great Britain), "Global Justice: Portrait of a Movement" |
2004 | British Marie Claire, November 2004 (Great Britain), "Me and my blessed bosoms" Mouratidi_BreastCancer.pdf (172 KB) >> |
Camera Austria, no 75/2001 (Austria) | |
2000 | Marie Claire, October 2000 (France), "Provoc… pour une bonne cause" |
Femina, no 42, 15.10.2000 (Switzerland), "Des tam-tams contre le cancer du sein" |